Tuesday, November 25, 2014

My top two goals for communication may seem broad but would increase my ability to get what I need greatly, I want to increase my effectiveness and learn not to back down.

Thursday, November 13, 2014

1st post..communications!

Through the research we did in the first few days of the class 'Communications' I learned that my personality type was either ISTP or ISFP, it is indisputable that I would be considered as an introvert. 
Learning the different styles of communication I reflected on situations I have been in and realized that I, like many people, vary my communication styles. I fluctuate between being passive and being assertive and am rarely ever aggressive, the style that I use is typically determined by my moods and who I am conversing with.
My verbal skills are typically less effective then I would like, I tend to rely on the assumption that people can see in my face or hear in the subtext of my voice what I am really asking or saying.